There may be penalties, limitations in coverage and even the possibility that your policy will be NULL and VOID if your application for insurance is not accurately completed. For these reasons, we recommend that you complete your application yourself, as you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the answers to all medical questions on your application are true and complete. Where you are unsure of an answer to any of the medical questions on the application, we recommend that you review the question and the appropriateness of your response with your doctor. Further, as the application form becomes a part of the insurance contract, as the insured, you must sign your own application or risk voiding your policy. Persons appointed as your Power of Attorney (POA) may sign the application form; however, supporting documentation confirming their authority as POA is required. The POA should be familiar with your medical history and should review the policy prior to completing and signing the application, as the applicant and POA are interchangeable and responsible for completing the application correctly. Applications signed under a POA must be accompanied by a copy of the POA document, therefore all applications completed by a POA must be submitted by mail or email.